Quick videos: Gain invaluable expert insights to grow your business and become the recognised authority in your market. Immerse yourself in a collection of concise yet impactful videos, each lasting only a few minutes.

NEW: Exciting news!

NEW: The one question

NEW: How long until you are forgotten!

NEW: 4 types of content you need to produce

The story of the Recognised Authority Formula™

Why the Recognised Authority Accelerator program is different

The distinctive traits of 7-figure solo consultants and coaches

Why take the Recognised Authority Scorecard

Why some consultants/coaches receive pricing objections

Why some professionals charge sub-optimal fees

Avoid these common mistakes

Debunking the myths about becoming a recognised authority.

Does your business need a kickstart? If yes, follow this strategy.

How to secure a meeting with a CEO

What's your $1,000.000.00 promise? (every professional services firm needs on)

Can you have more than one niche?

How failure taught me the key to success.

How to secure media exposure

This mistake allowed me to discover the power of storytelling in business.

How $50,000 cups of coffee can grow your business

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 The Obvious Choice:  How to Become a Recognised Authority and Attract High-Value B2B Clients On-Demand Without Selling